What To Expect.
I have one goal in mind, when I sit down to play:
to enhance your customer experience.
Here’s what to expect if you hire me for your country club, bar/restaurant patio, or private special occasion:
Reasonable Volume Levels.
I’m there to enhance and support your event, not dominate it. My sound won’t step on normal conversations. You’ll be able to hear me, clearly, through good equipment; and still carry on your event or dinner service without distraction. If you want me to be a featured performer, I’m very comfortable doing that; but unless that’s your request, I’ll understand that my job is background music, without chatter.
Small Needs.
I’ll need a dependable electrical socket, and some form of cover from direct sunlight or rain (my electronics won’t have it). Other than that, I’m all set. You’re busy running your event — let me be one less thing to worry about.
Small Footprint.
My equipment doesn’t take up much space. Your staff will have no problem working around me.
Short Breaks.
I’m there to play music. That’s the fun part for me — I don’t need time to ‘rest’. When I sit down, I’ll play until I’m finished, or until you stop me to make announcements to your gathering. (I’ve never understood bands that spend all that time setting up, and then take long breaks, as though they hate the music-playing!)
Wide Repertoire.
I can’t play everything — I don’t play everything. But I can play a lot. If you’ve heard it many times, I’ve probably heard it, too — and I can usually play it, if I have the words in front of me. Confession: I don’t chase whatever the kids are listening to these days very hard, so I may let you down there. My videos should give you an idea of my general range.
Song Requests Welcome.
If you have specific songs you’d like performed for your wedding or special occasion, I’m happy to learn them, if they’re at all performable by a solo guitarist. Doesn’t take long — I get the words, listen to it a couple times, and off we go. Unless it’s Buffett or Grateful Dead. I’ve drawn a line in the sand!
Friendly Attitude.
I love playing music. I’m in a good mood when I sit down with a guitar. I look forward to sharing it with you and your patrons.
And it sounds like...
Please visit this website's Video page for a listen. Hope you like what you hear!